Tuesday 20 May 2014

Home Learning #29

Massive Project

You could cobble together a few pages of material about a country you've been to on holiday or your favourite animal (blah, blah, blah) or you could do something different. Never settle for ordinary.

Here are some of the ideas that I was ranting about:

  • Make a website
  • Start a business (research, development, advertising, sales, finance)
  • Create an app (you don't even have to make it, it could be hypothetical - research, design and market it)
  • Design a range of clothes
  • Learn an instrument and write a daily blog about what you do
  • Actually create a show garden at home (i.e. RHS Chelsea - you can even submit your idea to next years show)
  • Make a movie (not just a 5 min clip - something special)
  • Create a YouTube channel teaching people about something good (e.g. cooking, bike maintenance, etc...)
  • Investigate the effects of gravity (with objects - not yourself)
  • Make a recipe book and cook for your family
  • Create a proper computer game 
  • Make a board game
  • Build a sculpture trail
  • Solve one of the longitude prize problems and win £10 million
    • The guy who won the first one spent 40 years researching it. You might need to start now.
  • Write an anthology of poems
  • If you are going to research a country or topic then make it interesting, e.g.:
    • Study Babylonian culture and make a massive Hanging Gardens of Babylon
    • Research Egypt and mummify a cat (or pretend)
  • Write a novel (not a story, a novel)
I could go on. Just think of something a bit different. Writing about 20 pages about Australia is fine (for other classes) but you guys are better than that. Always think outside the box.

The only rule is: it must be 7 weeks worth of homework. It says somewhere how long you should spend per week - I should probably know - but I imagine its about 2 -3 hours. Therefore 2 - 3 hours x 7 = Somewhere between 14 and 21 hours work. Not 2 hours the night before.

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