Thursday, 15 November 2012

Home Learning #9

Food Project

You need to be researching for your food project.

These are the things that your group need to be doing (so far):

You need to make sure you know what YOU are doing and make sure you are playing your part.

CLICK HERE to go to the VLE page

Debate Club

This term's debates will be on the food topic. The debate will be on the 29th of November.

As we have been studying balanced arguments in class, everyone should be able to argue for or against in their debate.

You will find out on the day, which side you are on, so you need to prepare to debate both.
As we are doing this in class it shouldn't be too difficult.


Read this story about a blogging school girl.


We'll use this example in class so make sure you read it. Its only short, so the spellings are selected from the whole thing; but, because I'm nice, six will be chosen from the first two paragraphs.

Reading Cafe

On Thursday 22nd parents are invited in to the class (09:00-ish).

The children will be sharing some of their reading with parents and we'll all be looking at some newspapers. Then we will be doing some art activities using newspaper.

Parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles are all welcome. There will be tea, coffee and juice being served. Possibly even biscuits!

However, we will need as many newspapers as we can get. We need some to read and then to use them for our art activities.

Broadsheet (e.g. Times, Independent, Guardian) and free papers please - Tabloids (e.g. Sun, Daily Star) are NOT suitable.


Formula 1

Kayleigh will be glued to the screen again this weekend. Why not write a blog about the Grand Prix like our own F1 fanatic does each week.

Do you think we should replace the school uniform with T-Shirts designed by Kimi Raikkonen?

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