Home Learning #1
Poetry Anthology
- Find a collection of poems (More than 7)
- This could be based on a theme (such as pets), be by one author or just ones that you like.
- Decorate them
- Make them into a small booklet
Deadline: Friday 26th September
Moon Diary
- Fill in your moon diary
- You only need to complete a two or three days a week - just whenever you can see the moon clearly enough to draw it and make some observations
Extras (You do NOT have to do these thing)
Maths outside the classroom
- I'm looking for examples of maths outside the classroom to pin on our maths working wall.
- Bring in any evidence of times you have needed to use your maths skills
- I'll find some examples to pin up and get the ball rolling.
- We need some plant life in our classroom. I am looking for three plants to live on our window ledges.
- They need to be indoor plants that are not too big (they need to fit on the window ledges)
- If anyone has a spare house plant that they are willing to lend to the class for the year speak to me.
- If anyone has any SPARE tulip bulbs then please can they bring them in
- Please do not go out and buy any especially. I just wanted to plant a few and thought some of your parents might have some spare.
Manga High
- Check your emails regularly
- La Vuelta is coming to its climax - ITV4 7pm every night
- Tour of Britain starts this weekend
Fantasy Football
- Sign up
- Join the Brundall league (Code: 332567-88758)
- Watch me win
Man Utd
- Come up with the best starting 11 players for LvG