- Spellings
- Read the article again. It will help you with the balanced argument on Friday.
- I will only test spellings from the first page
- I'm going to let you off this week. Hopefully we'll be able to go through the ones we've done next week without interruption.
- Talk Home Learning - Balanced Argument
- Title: Banning Tag Games on the Playground
- Think of at least three reasons for banning them and at least three reasons against.
- Remember the argument needs to be balanced
- Debate Club
- Deadline: 20th December
- CLICK HERE to see your new debate
- Learn your parts
- Sort your costumes - It would be great if they were in for Friday so we can have a look before the dress rehearsal
- Khan Academy
- Who can earn the most points over the next seven days?
- Venice is currently in the lead, closely followed by Kyle
- You need to make sure I am added as your coach
- These are the people who have already added me:
- ahalls4nrwahaynes6nrkamoney8nrmatownend6nrkayoungs6nrpbmcdonnell4nrsbwiggett9nrqcboswell4nr6eandrews5nr6ebrown3nr6hfoot4nrrjelliott2nrkjroper3nr8kcampbell8nrxkelvin8nrdkharris6nrhlgarrett2nrkncurrier5nrnnfinch9nrxobrown6nrqosmith2nrbpheathcote3nrlrhaime8nr3rhignett9nrltannison2nrutburch4nrzvdoman24rm
- If your username is not on here, you need to add me: edooley3nr2@nsix.org.uk
- Make sure you log in with your Google account!