Talk Home Learning
- "Brundall: The Best School in the World"
- The opposite of what we wrote in Big Writing last week
- Imagine our school is the most amazing school in the world.
- Think of at least three things that make it fantastic.
- Marlborough College facilities
- As always, the first six words have been chosen from above the dotted line.
- Show your SATs papers to three people (make sure you now them - I don't want you hassling someone at Budgens).
- All you have to do is explain the questions to them
- Poetry Anthology
- Hand in: 4th October
- By now you will have found a few good poems (at least 10) and you should be decorating them beautifully.
Anti-Home Learning
- Do NOT think about gravity
- Under no circumstance must you think about:
- Gravity;
- The effects of gravity;
- Why we need gravity;
- Who first described the theory of gravity.
- I will be checking to make sure you have NOT thought about this.
- Watch the World Road Race Championships - Its on the BBC
- Saturday - Women's Race (Featuring Lizzie Armitstead)
- Sunday - Men's Road Race
- Poetry Anthology
- Hand in date: Friday 4th October
- Task: Create an anthology of your favourite poems.
- This could be poems based on a theme OR poems by one author OR just a random selection of your favourite poems
- Examples of a theme: Pets, water, Paul Scholes, Spring, badgers,
- Examples of an author: William Shakespeare, Ted Hughes, Roald Dahl, Eric Cantona,
- Step 1: Find poems you like
- Step 2: Copy them down (by hand or on computer)
- Step 3: Decorate your anthology and make it look beautiful
- We will be using these anthologies in our daily poetry readings so make sure you read the poems and they are ones you like.
- I have notified Brundall library that you are coming and they are ordering in more books
- Spellings
- You know how it works now.
- CLICK HERE for this week's spellings
- Make sure you get your books signed and BRING THEM BACK
- Blogging
- Make sure you have gone onto your emails and accepted the invitation to join the Dodos' Blog
- I want to start winning the 100 Word Challenge next week and I can't unless you are signed up to the Dodos' Blog
- When you have created your blog make sure you add the address to the link
- CLICK HERE to see other people's blog addresses
- If your name is not here you will find the form in your emails
- Manga High
- We have almost won the Fai-To. Just one more last effort over the weekend and we will seal another international victory for Brundall. Well done so far.
- Khan Academy
- I currently have 26 out of 35 signed into the class.
- I know some of you had difficulties but have another go. Go onto your emails and follow the link.
Other Stuff
- Fantasy Football
- Sign up, create a team, join our league (137266-39331)
Home Learning
- Manga High
- Khan Academy
- Sign up - using your Google Account (your school email)
- Add me as a coach: Y93SUF
- Have a go at some of the challenges
- Talk Home Learning
- Talk about 3-4 things you did on your holiday
- Remember: We're looking for detail.
- "I went to the beach," - Isn't good enough
- Blogger
- Sign up to Blogger - Google Account (your school email)
- Create a new Blog
- Post something on your blog
- Green - 'Hello'
- Orange - Explain what you did over the holidays
- Red - Write about something that is special to you and make it unique
- Spellings
- Read the text
- I will test you next week (Friday 13th!)
- I will ask you to spell 12 spellings from the text
- Six will be from above the dotted line
- They will be tested like they will be in the SATs
- I will say the word, then read the sentence with it in, then read the word again
- Find out about your guided reading person
- DO NOT write anything (on paper)
- You could:
- Blog about the person
- Tell the class
- Learn three facts about them
- Tell a family member about them