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- Dogs should be banned near the River Yare
- Fishing should be banned on the Broads
- We should close the A47 and just use the River Yare
- We should build a sewage treatment plant in Brundall
- We need a hydroelectric dam in the River Yare
Essay Deadline: 18th March
Debates: Week: Beginning 25th March
Talk Home Learning
- Next week's Big Writing is a recount of your holiday
- Talk about what you have do each day, what you enjoyed, what you achieved
Past Papers
- Show at least two different people your test papers
- We don't need these back but you might want to work through some of the questions again.
ICT Suite
- Research things that you want for our new ICT suite
- Project Managers - Get some of your team to help you put together your proposals
- Site Surveys
- Team Proposals
- Follow the links on the Site Survey presentation
Brundall Bugle
- Tell three people that the new Brundall Bugle is on sale at Budgens
- Lots of articles by Year 6 journalists
- Write about what you are doing - It will help you next week.
- Try adding some photos
- Sports
- Cycling - Tour of Oman
- Football - Arsenal v Bayern
- Cricket -England v New Zealand
- Rugby - Six Nations
- News
- Asteroid, Meteor, Meteorite -
- Whats the difference?
- What would happen if there was one heading towards Brundall?
- Write a story/newsreport/diary entry etc...
- Brit Awards
- You guys probably care (I don't, but other people might want to hear what you think)